Basic Concepts in NMR


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Basic Concepts in NMR

About Course

Although some familiarity with NMR will be assumed, a comprehensive approach to the fundamental concepts of NMR will be presented using algebra and trigonometry. This course is intensive and examines each of the fundamental concepts in great detail. The lecture begins with signals generated in the rotating frame, carried through block diagrams of a spectrometer console, into the computer and finally represented in terms of a spectrum. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the principles that are embodied in topics such as phase, modulation, quadrature phase detection, A-to-D conversion, aliasing, and the Fourier transform. Proper operating techniques will be described throughout this portion of the course. After the fundamental principles and instrumentation have been covered, these principles will be used in discussions of apodization functions, data treatments, relaxation measurements, NOE's and special decoupling experiments.

Every attempt will be made to present the material on a conceptual rather than a mathematical level, and whenever possible physical pictures will be emphasized. However, some simple mathematics and basic concepts in physics and electricity will be used to describe certain phenomena.

The objective is to provide the student with a coherent and functional grasp of the fundamental concepts of NMR and how they are used. Time will be devoted to investigating the basic ideas conceptually, first non-mathematically, then graphically, and finally mathematically, in an effort to have the student build a usable intuition about these concepts, their connections, and their utility in modern NMR experiments. The student should gain a thorough understanding of the principles upon which all NMR spectrometers operate, and thus be able to more easily and quickly obtain correct spectra. The course is designed to provide the background required to perform some of the more modern experiments.

Course content

videoWelcome Start
videoCourse Book and Notes Start
videoTable of Nuclear Spins Start
videoNuclear Angular Momentum Start
videoNuclear Magnetic Moment Start
videoEnergy Levels in Magnetic Fields, B0 Start
videoLarmor Equation Start
videoBoltzmann Distribution Start
videoClassical Physics Treatment Start
videoMacroscopic Magnetization Vector Start
videoGeneration of NMR Signal Start
videoRelative and Absolute Signal Intensities Start
videoProblem Answers Start
videoMagnetic Fields Around a Wire Carrying a Current Start
videoMagnetic Fields Around a Solenoid Carrying a Current Start
videoExperimental Demonstration of Superconductivity Start
videoShielding Start
videoSweeping Start
videoChemical Shift Anisotropy Start
videoDefinitions of Frequency and Phase Start
videoSignal Phase Start
videoPhase Sensitive Detectors Start
videoProblem: Calculate Phase Sensitive Detector Output Start
videoSignal Detection Start
videoSpectrometer Phase Relationships Start
videoResonance Offset, "Fictitious" Field and the Rotating Frame Start
videoCoil Shapes Start
videoGeneration of B1 Start
videoPhase of Transmitter RF Pulse (B1) Start
videoProblem Answers Start
videoEffect of Phase of Transmitter RF Pulse (B1) Start
videoFID Signal Phase and Spectral Line-Shapes Start
videoPrinciples of Quadrature Phase Detection Start
videoProblem: Achieve QPD by Changing Pulse Phases Start
videoAnswers to Chapter 4 Questions Start
videoModulation Start
videoAmplitude Modulation Start
videoFrequency Modulation Start
videoSingle-Tone Angular Modulation Start
videoSpinning Sidebands Start
videoImpedance Matching Start
videoProbe Schematic Start
videoRinging Start
videoShimming Start
videoProton Sensitivity Test Start
videoSensitivity Problems Start
videoMeasuring the 90-Degree Pulse Width Start
videoTrouble-Shooting Chart Start
videoSample Preparation Start
videoAn NMR Sample Tube Primer Start
videoSuggestions for Use & Handling of NMR Solvents Start
videoTime-averaged Spectra Start
videoWhen Signals and Noise Add to Themselves Start
videoIncrease in S/N Start
videoFourier Transform NMR Start
videoThe Fourier Transform Start
videoThe Fourier Components of an FID Start
videoComplex FID Start
videoComplex Continuous Fourier Transform Start
videoDiscrete FT of a Single FID Start
videoProperties of Odd and Even Functions Start
videoReal Spectra of Infinitely Long Non-Decaying Cosine Signals Start
videoProblems Start
videoThe Decay of an FID Start
videoProblem Answers Start
videoReal Spectra of Infinitely Long Decaying Cosine Signals Start
videoImaginary Spectra of Infinitely Long Decaying Cosine Signals Start
videoProblem Start
videoSummary of Spectral Line Shapes from Various FIDS Start
videoThe Fourier Transform of a DC Pulse Start
videoFT Spectrometer Block Diagram Start
videoPower Distribution as a Function of Pulse Width Start
videoConversion of Some Time Domain Functions to their Frequency Domains Start
videoAcquisition Times and the Appearance of Sinc Side-Lobes (Wiggles) Start
videoLaboratory Experiments to Observe the Manifestations of the Sinc Function Start
videoEffect of Acquisition Time Start
videoZero-Filling Start
videoAnswers to Problems Start
videoBasic Relaxation Concepts Start
videoRelaxation - Can T2 Be Longer Than T1? Start
videoErnst Angle Start
videoNyquist Sampling Theorem Start
videoOptimum PR and PW for Selected Values of T1 Start
videoEffect of Pulse Tip Angle Start
videoOptimum Tip Angle and Relaxation Delay for Quantitative Analysis Start
videoThe Relationship Between Sensitivity and Integral Accuracy Start
videoFolding (Aliasing) Start
videoQPD Aliasing Start
videoEffect of Filter Bandwidth Start
videoEffect of Spectral Width Start
videoEffect of Transmitter Offset Start
videoPhase Correction Start
videoFID Envelopes and Line-shapes Start
videoExponential Multiplication Start
videoEffect of Line Broadening Parameter, LB Start
videoGaussian Function Start
videoThe Gaussian Function for Resolution Enhancement Start
videoTRAF Function Start
videoSpectral Effects of Side Lobes Start
videoEnergy Levels in an AX System Start
videoA-Type Transitions Start
videoX-Type Transitions Start
videoA- and X-Type Transitions Start
videoDefinition, Signs and Simple Theory of Scalar Coupling Start
videoDecoupling Start
videoPamoic Acid - Proton Spectrum Start
videoPomoic Acid - Homodecoupled at 7.9 PPM Start
videoT1 Growth and T2 Decay Start
videoHahn Spin Echo Start
videoCarr-Purcell Train Start
videoCPMG Pulses Start
videoCarr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill Experiment Start
videoMeasuring T1 Start
videoT1 Spectra Start
videoRelaxation Mechanisms Start
videoDipole-Dipole and Spin Rotation Contributions Start
videoEffect of Motion on Dipole-Dipole Relaxation Start
videoSome Uses of T1 Measurements Start
videoT1 Growth and T2 Decay Start
videoHahn Spin Echo Start
videoCarr-Purcell Train Start
videoCarr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill Experiment Start
videoMeasuring T1 Start
videoT1 Spectra Start
videoRelaxation Mechanisms Start
videoDipole-Dipole and Spin Rotation Contributions Start
videoEffect of Motion on Dipole-Dipole Relaxation Start
videoSome Uses of T1 Measurements Start
videoElectric Quadrupole Relaxation Start
videoMagnetization Transfer Experiments Start
videoEffect of Paramagnetics Start
videoIntegration Start
videoScalar vs Dipolar Coupling Start
videoNuclear Overhauser Enhancement - NOE Definitions Start
videoDecoupled Spectra without the NOE Start
videoCoupled Spectra with NOE Start
videoPulse Sequence in Gated Decoupling Experiments Start
videoIncomplete NOE's Start
videoMeasuring T1DD Start
videoAssignment of Quaternary Carbons in Benzonitrile Start
videoIntegration Start
videoPamoic Acid Start
videoHow Distance Affects the Homonuclear NOE Start
videoPamoic Acide - NOESY - SSB Processing, Symmetrized Start
Daniel D Traficante

Daniel D Traficante

Emeritus Professor of NMR

Course Instructor

Dr. Traficante obtained his Ph.D. in 1962 from MIT in the field of synthetic organic chemistry. For 10 years he was Director of the NMR Lab at MIT, and then held the same position at Yale University. Serving as the Director of Chemical Instrumentation at the National Science Foundation (NSF),he pioneered multi-nuclear instrumentation. He has built probes, reassembled spectrometers, and developed new software programs to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and the resolution of NMR spectra. He received a Letter of Commendation from the Chemistry Division when he left the NSF to return to teaching. 

At NMR Concepts, his current research in the areas of structure determination, instrumentation and data processing provide him with knowledge and expertise that are applicable to a broad audience. His organic chemistry background, plus his expertise in electronics, gives his lectures a special depth and appreciation for the field. Dr. Traficante is known throughout the world as an outstanding educator.